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Lukasz Rosinski on 29/06/2024
The #PRINCE2 concept of Project #Assurance, as an organizational role, is groundbreaking. In #HybridP3M Project Assurance is part of the #ProjectManagementTeam and adopted as a distinct process as part of the process model. Assurance fits HybridP3M as it is a traditional concept.
Lukasz Rosinski on 20/12/2020
The #PRINCE2 concept of Project #Assurance, as an organizational role, is groundbreaking. In #HybridP3M Project Assurance is part of the #ProjectManagementTeam and adopted as a distinct process as part of the process model. Assurance fits HybridP3M as it is a traditional concept.
Lukasz Rosinski on 20/12/2020
The #PRINCE2 concept of Project #Assurance, as an organizational role, is groundbreaking. In #HybridP3M Project Assurance is part of the #ProjectManagementTeam and adopted as a distinct process as part of the process model. Assurance fits HybridP3M as it is a traditional concept. The #PRINCE2 concept of Project #Assurance, as an organizational role, is groundbreaking. In #HybridP3M Project Assurance is part of the #ProjectManagementTeam and adopted as a distinct process as part of the process mo
Lukasz Rosinski on 04/10/2019
Lukasz Rosinski on 19/09/2019
this knote is not a topic knote but has a relevant hash tag: #ProjectManagement
Lukasz Rosinski on 19/09/2019
#ProjectMgmt #ProjectManagement km and pm topic knote for testing.
Lukasz Rosinski on 17/09/2019
#PM #ProjectMgmt #ProjectManagement, test 3: 3 hash tags.
Lukasz Rosinski on 17/09/2019
test 2: hash tags: #ProjectManagement
Lukasz Rosinski on 17/09/2019
first hash tag knote: #ProjectManagement

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