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HybridP3M 2021 HybridP3M is a Hybrid Project Management methodology. It is Hybrid in the sense that predictive capability is combined with an Agile mindset. More specficially, Traditional project management functions complement Agile Product Delivery. The process model of HybridP3M contributes to functional achievement, but is less rigid as compared to for example PRINCE2.
HybridP3M Framework
ProwLO 2019 Projects with Learning Outcomes (ProwLO) is a methodology for managing knowledge in projects, also known as Project Knowledge Management (PKM). Its process model is based on the generic project lifecycle according to PRINCE2. This means that ProwLO has developed parallel processes as compared to PRINCE2. The main actor in ProwLO is the Project Knowledge Manager, but other roles are involved as well and are equally important.
Start-Middle-End Start-Middle-End (SME) is a new method for managing projects and change. It is a generic and minimalistic. Furthermore, it is aimed at small to medium-sized projects. Project work may include specific tasks on the 'task versus project borderline' (too small for a project, too big for a task). SME recognizes that line functions can trigger mini projects. So projects can be anywhere in the organization, or across people networks.
Noproject-shift Noproject-shift is based on a recent trend that criticises projects. Along this line, under the hashtag #noprojects, it stresses the importance of continuous value delivery. In this context, the temporary nature of projects does not fit most of the business in the real world. Noproject-shift not only acknowledges this philosophy it also provides an effective method for delivery of new products and services, without the notion of project.
PMOBlueprintsGo PMOBlueprintsGo complements the PMO Blueprints guidance on the evolution of PMO types within an organization. It has identified a number of processes that are relevant in the context of PMO Development. According to alignment principles, the PMO must support the business. This may even imply PMO Devolution, including outsourcing or abolishment of PMO functions.
MAIDEO-Alignment MAIDEO-Alignment suggests a number of activities as part of the cycle of maturity development, enabled by maturity measurement.
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